only some people masters of vibration hemoart based on ancient florentia mosaic out of gemstones. Their pictures are unique, made of hudreds jewel's slabs, possesses high art attractibility, value, singularity.
They ray vitality energy for surround people - its a srecial property. The vibrations of harmonically selected gemstones in pictures influence healthily on surrounding area and promote in removal of stress, fixation of immunity, recuperation of health, neutralize hepatogenous zones, prevent penetration inside premises of negative vibrations' energy, what rayed by several people, apparatus and appliances.
The stone is eternal. It is extraordinarily beautiful in florentia mosaic.
The pictures are made in complicated ancient style out of nature jewels, harmonically combining with modern interiors of premium premisses. Those samples of high art are exceedingly rare and difficult of access, the purchase of them are also worthy investment, cause in distinction from others wealths the gemstones' items of art will raise in their cost with years, like it happens with rare items, antiques and jewels.
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